Analytics Management

The most important part of any kind of digital marketing effort is to have a solid understanding of what is going with the traffic on your website. This is how we judge whether a paid ad campaign was effective, how effectively your site converts people browsing into leads, and it can even catch any problems with a site before it’s too late. One of the best ways to do this is to have a robust analytics program; like Google Analytics.

By far the most popular website analytics program on the market is Google Analytics. For one thing it is free, and the amount of data you can analyze is second to none. For digital marketing experts like Prestige Marketing Advisors this program is vital for almost any site we work with. However there can be too much information for people to really understand if they are left to their own to try to figure it out.

The typical scenario is someone builds a website for you and puts GOogle Analytics on the backend, gives you a log in and you never use it. Some media companies and publishers encourage you to use GA to help hold them accountable for what their campaigns do for you, but many don’t. For the ones that do, the reports you get are so complicated you don’t really know what they are saying, and then you get a bill for renewal. If this has ever happened to you, we can help. Our website analytics service will help take the mystery out of this complex nebulous environment.

We work with you to walk through your site as it exists today, we will make recommendations for improvement based on this information and execute. When it comes to monitoring digital ad campaigns we walk through the entire process with you and will even meet with anyone you have a campaign with to make sure they are accountable. To find out more, contact us today.

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